Key to Dating & Marriage With Christian Brides 

Key to Dating & Marriage With Christian Brides 
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Kandy40, 38
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Tanya, 26
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Sophia, 19
Stavropol, Russia
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More than 40% of people in the US who are 18 or older are single, and ⅔ of them identify as Christian. Yet, not all of the people who identify as Christians are active churchgoers or find it a deal-breaker to marry only Christian brides. However, according to Pew Research, 69% of couples in America state that their partner shares their faith, and 59% of mainline Protestants tend to marry only within their religion.

If you are sure of your serious intentions to start a family and see it happen only with Christian women for marriage, then you are in the right place. We are here not to be your cupids, but to tell you everything you should know about who a typical Christian bride is and how to build a prospering relationship with her.

Who are Christian brides?

Christian girls for marriage, also known as mail-order brides, are women of different Christian traditions who are actively seeking a marriage partner. Christian women can be found not only in the US but also in other parts of the world. That’s why if you are into a specific type of lady, you can explore Eastern European or Asian mail-order brides and find women who share your beliefs.

Interesting facts about Christian women for marriage

There is so much to learn about modern Christian women so you can’t miss out on these interesting facts:

  • Non-Christian men ask out Christian women more often, as 63% of women in the church have not been asked out by someone from their own congregation.
  • Christian women tend to have more children (1.9) than those who are religiously unaffiliated (1.6).
  • Female Christians tend to remain in faith more than males if they were born into a Christian family.
  • The divorce rate with women who are nominal Christians is the same as for other couples, but for Christian wives who are active in church, it’s 50% lower.
  • There is a stereotype that all Christian women wait until marriage to be intimate with a man, but 40% of professed Christians have engaged in sex before marriage, and the opinions about premarital relationships differ a lot depending on the tradition.

Matrimonial Сhristian success stories

Marcus & Sophia
Marcus & Sophia

“I’ve been praying to the Lord to show me the way to my wife, and I knew that he had a plan for me. One of my friends recommended that I join a Christian dating app. I know that many people use them, but I was more of a traditional guy. But I’m glad that I listened, as that was a plan that God had for me. I met my gorgeous Sophia this way. She is so kind, thoughtful, and incredibly beautiful. We fell in love and, after 4 months, got married. I feel like I’m walking on air and can’t believe that I’m married to my soulmate, who shares all my values and beliefs.”

Jordan & Grace
Jordan & Grace

“My story had a bit of a sour start, as I’ve actually been engaged before to a Christian woman, but broke off the engagement as she chose another man. That was hard, but I’m really grateful now, as otherwise I wouldn’t have met the love of my life, Grace. She is perfect for me. Grace is such a caring and loving person, and she is the best mom to our son. I just can’t be thankful enough!”

Tips for the best date with Christian wives

Regardless if you go on a date with a young Christian woman or over 50 mail-order brides, we gathered some tips on having a great date that will help you bond and have a better chance for a successful relationship:

  • Take the lead. In Christian couples, the guy is usually expected to take the lead, so if you have someone in mind that you like, don’t be afraid to initiate communication and actually ask the woman out on a date.
  • Plan fun activities in public places. Going for something interesting like bowling, cinema, theater, or some sort of workshop will help you bond better while you are not hyper-concentrated on chatting only about the important stuff. 
  • Think about something that will make your date feel special. Bringing a little thoughtful gift or flowers will help your partner feel cherished.
  • Follow the spark of conversations. Though there is no need to make your relationship an interview, connecting on a deeper level is impossible without meaningful conversations. So, initiate important topics when you feel the moment is right. 
  • Walk your date home. Make sure that your woman gets home safely, and a nice follow-up message after the date is also a good way to get to another date.

Also, remember about the date-to-marry culture. Most Christian women who are dating will accept only suitors who have serious intentions. There is no pressure to marry right away, as you need to get to know each other and see if your visions and future align, but Christian ladies don’t date just for the sake of dating.


Marrying one of the Christian brides can be the best decision you can make for your happiness. Being with a partner who shares your views on life, family, and raising kids is a ground for having healthy family dynamics and a fulfilling union. The key is in believing that you have your own path and timing, but you need to make an effort to meet someone who is a great fit for you.

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